Modern Problems Require Fantasy Solutions
Modern Problems Require Fantasy Solutions
Holiday Discount: Limited Time Only
Over 7000 Copies Sold! A Fantasy Party Game with Spells and Curses.
- Game Box
- 300 Fantasy Solution Cards
- 100 Modern Problem Cards
- 50 Spells & Curses
- NPC Card "Screwbie the Muttonheded"
- Game Rules and Drinking Rules
Shipping Now: 3-5 Business Days Processing
Customer Reviews:
"This game is INCREDIBLY fun and all of our players had an absolute BLAST!"
"Received mine and played for 6 hours in my group, we could not stop laughing"
--@Kickstarter Backer
Drinking Rules:
Drinking rules are optional, the game is designed to play with or without them.
"Drink Responsibly, you miscreants."
By purchasing this game, you agree to hold Fantasy Solutions harmless from any and all liability associated with any harm, losses, damages in any manner reated to or stemming from any action, inaction or use of the game by any player.
When using "Tavern Rules" drink at your own risk. Alcoholic consumption is not required.